Build Links

Boost Your Rankings with
Links from Authoritative Sites

Nothing improves search engine rankings faster than links from relevant websites with the Domain Authority to pass real link-value to your website.

As factors such as relevance and Domain Authority play a much bigger role in ranking algorithms, SEO professionals have been searching for an alternative to traditional, PageRank-based link brokerages. fills this gap by providing a full-featured link buying platform, with competitive pricing based on Domain Authority.

Why MOZ Domain Authority?

Google takes a lot of factors into account when determining the authority of a site. So, if you want to find sites that are important to Google, you have to have a metric that is calculated using a lot of factors as well.

We chose MOZ DA because it is an aggregate of metrics (MozRank, MozTrust, link profile, and more) that best approximates the authority of a site in the eyes of the search engines.

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See for yourself how much links from sites with MOZ DA can improve your rankings!


How do links improve rankings?

When a website is important, people talk about it. And when people talk about sites online, they link to them.

These “backlinks” count as votes for your website. Search engines look at the quantity and quality of your links to help determine how important your website is. Important sites are listed higher in the search results.

How much will it cost to get to the top of the search results?

Even though links are a huge ranking factor, there are a number of other things that influence where your website appears in the search results: onsite optimization, the competitiveness of your keyword, your social media presence, etc. There really isn’t any way to tell how many links your site will need to rise to the top of the search results.

We generally recommend a starting link budget of $50-$100. Once your rankings start moving, you can create additional campaigns that focus on the keywords/pages that are bringing in the most qualified traffic.

How much do you charge for your links?

Our link prices are based on the Domain Authority of the website. Sub-pages and sub-domains are 25% of the home page. (All pages with links must be indexed in Google.)

MOZ DA Homepage Price Subpage Price
10-14 1.00 credits 0.25 credits
15-19 2.50 credits 0.63 credits
20-24 4.00 credits 1.00 credits
25-29 8.00 credits 2.00 credits
30-34 15.00 credits 3.75 credits
35-39 25.00 credits 6.25 credits
40-100 40.00 credits 10.00 credits